February Leaf Pick-Up

The next date for our community leaf collection is Monday, February 17th.

We anticipate that the collection for February will be much smaller than the one in November, due to the unexpected early drop of leaves.  Therefore, we plan to complete this pick-up in one day.  For next fall, we will be working with the collection company to do the pick-up in phases so that you will be able to better plan your raking or blowing.


The instructions for your streets are a little different due to the lack of curbs and the potential danger of speeding vehicles.  DO NOT put your leaves in the road.  Please pile them as closely as possible to the road as you can while keeping yourself safe.  

Please help spread the word by reminding your neighbors so that everyone who wants to can take advantage of this service. 

...and the Yard of the Month for November was....

Congratulations to Felipe and Kari Garson, 109 Sassafras Dr., our Yard of the Month Winners for November!

Pebble Creek is a beautiful neighborhood in the fall, but leaf cleanup can be difficult. Felipe and Kari have done a great job keeping their yard “neat and clean.”

Speaking of which, don’t forget about neighborhood leaf pickup on Monday, December 9th! Leaves should be on the street and will be picked up via vacuum truck sometime during the day on Monday.


November News!

Hello Neighbors -

We hope this post finds you all well. As we start looking toward the holidays, we’re grateful to live in such a beautiful neighborhood!

Our latest meeting minutes are up on the Documents section of the website….You’ll likely find the section regarding the possibility of working with a property management company for our future HOA management needs enlightening…

Please understand that the Board does not explore these options lightly. So why did we? Well, we cannot ignore some of the challenges we have come up against these last couple of years (Air BnB, Pool and relationship with the golf course, complicated neighbor issues, parking issues, etc.). We have learned, as I’m sure many of our previous Board members have, that taking on a role in a Board like this is not without its liabilities and risks. We make decisions that have legal implications as we carry out our duties in the Bylaws and enforce the Covenants. We often have to step in between neighbors and we are neighbors, ourselves….

Currently, there is no training for new Board members and while we have gifted folks on the Board, none of us has the time or honestly, the knowledge, to dedicate to developing something like that. We desperately want serving on the Board to be a little easier than it is currently and in doing so, we hope that you see the Board is able to serve the community more consistently and knowledgeably. In order to achieve that, we feel we need the kind of assistance and support that a property management company can offer us.

We will bring you much more information about this both in the annual meeting announcement and at the annual meeting, but long story short, we want serving on the Board to feel like serving without feeling like a sentence. Property management doesn’t take the Board out of the picture. It assists us with some of the more mundane tasks, supports us, trains us, guides us, and allows us to be more consistent with protection of the covenants. Most importantly, it allows those that serve to simply be neighbors that serve….not mediators, police of properties, or expected experts in interpretation of legal documents and situations.

We hope you can understand and upon reflection, support our position on this topic. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us.

On another, more FUN topic…MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

  1. FIRST LEAF PICKUP: 12/9/19 (leaves must be on street by 12/9)

  2. CHRISTMAS PARTY: 12/13/19, 5:30-8pm at the Clubhouse Grille

  3. ANNUAL MEETING: 1/14/19, 7pm at Velocity Church, 1720 Reid School Rd., Taylors, 29687

Hope you all have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. Please reach out if you need us.

Your Board

October NEWS!

Hello Neighbors!
A couple of announcements for the month of October:

  1. Congratulations to the October Yard of the Month recipients, Richard and Jackie Falk at 5 Honey Bee Lane! They have lived in Pebble Creek for 40 years and have always enjoyed working in their yard. It really shows!

  2. The Piedmont Park Fire Department is conducting a Smoke Detector Blitz (knocking on doors to educate home owners about importance of smoke detectors, checking location and numbers of smoke detectors in homes, and if necessary, moving or installing needed units at no cost to homeowners). If anyone has questions about this effort, please contact the Piedmont Park Fire Department Community Risk Reduction Coordinator John Laderer at (843) 907-1642.

As always, please feel free to reach out to us and let us know if we can help you in any way!

Richard and Jackie Falk’s beautiful yard at 5 Honeybee Lane!

Richard and Jackie Falk’s beautiful yard at 5 Honeybee Lane!

It's almost SEPTEMBER!

Hello neighbors -

We hope this Summer has treated you well. The Board met this last week for our August meeting and things are progressing to get a Newsletter out and continue with the remainder of our year! Notes from our meeting can be found in the Documents section of the website. Look for our newsletter coming soon with many updates and upcoming events!

I’m not sure about you, but September sure snuck up on me this year….that said, the end of the year and our annual meeting are quickly approaching (mark your calendars for Tuesday, Jan. 14th, 7pm, Velocity Church - 1720 Reid School Road). Along with that, comes the time to bring in a new Board….

As of my last post, 4 members of the Board were outgoing, as scheduled. Since that time, another one of our own has decided to step down from the Board due to competing priorities. That leaves 5 vacant roles on the Board for next year’s election.

We all know it is not easy to commit oneself to monthly meetings and thankless hours outside those meetings to protect the values of our homes, but we are asking everyone to PLEASE consider serving if you have not before. We especially need folks savvy with things like Squarespace, QuickBooks, Google Drive, Gmail, Google Calendar, Facebook, etc. to serve as we have moved our records into these streamlined platforms for ease of passing information from one Board to the next and ‘keeping up with the Jones’. Without a Board in place to perform the tasks outlined in the Bylaws, we will have no choice but to explore other avenues of management for our HOA, which will most certainly increase dues. If you’ve served on the Board before, you might not hate that idea too much…regardless, if you’re interested in serving or know someone that would be great and is willing, please nominate them by filling out our nomination form.

Happy Fall -
Erycka Millen, PCHA-1 Secretary (and the rest of your 2019 Board)

July Updates

Hi Neighbors -

If you’re interested, minutes from our last meetings are now posted in the Documents section of the website. Highlights include:

  • Excellent feedback on our block party in July. Huge should out and Thank You to Karley Vehaun for organizing and Jeremy Tufts for cooking all the hot dogs for us!

  • Only 10 dues outstanding for the year - certified letters go out this week to overdue homeowners (questions about dues? Email the treasurer, Earl Nielsen at pcp1treasurer@gmail.com)

  • Landscaping updates to entrance off Stallings/Pebble Creek Drive is now under way and we are pursuing quotes to remove the tree off Roberts/Sassafras)

  • Board approved signage for roads with no outlet are to be ordered and installed soon

  • Concerns regarding reckless driving of motorcycles on roadways

  • Next newsletter coming out soon!

  • Keep your calendars marked for the community yard sale September 28th.

  • If you are interested in VOLUNTEERING for anything below, please reach out to us via the website homepage or email us at pebblecrkhoa@gmail.com

    • Pebble Treat (full size candy bars handed out on Halloween) on 10/31

    • A spot on the Board next year (4 outgoing members need to be replaced)

We hope you are all having a safe Summer. Please reach out to us via the website home page or at pebblecrkhoa@gmail.com anytime, if you feel we can be of service to you.


Erycka Millen, PCHA-1 Secretary (and the rest of the Board)

Annual 4th of July Parade!

It’s that time of year again….the 4th of July is RIGHT around the corner!

Please join us for the Annual Honeybee Lane 4th of July Golf Cart Parade on Thursday, July 4th, 2019!

What: Golf Cart (and walking) parade up and down Honeybee Lane

Where: 23 Honeybee Lane (start and end address)

When: Start time is 10AM (come a little early to get lined up!)

Other details: Wear your red, white, and blue…Decorate your wheels and join us for the fun! All neighbors, friends, and family welcome.

June Updates

Hello Neighbors -

Please take a few minutes to review meeting minutes within the Documents section of the website. We’ve reviewed lots of ideas….concrete plans include:

  1. Pool: We hope to see you all this coming Sunday, June 9th for a pool party hosted by the Pebble Creek Swim Club at the pool from 4-6pm.

  2. Next up: July 12th BLOCK PARTY! Location TBD!

  3. Save the Dates:

    1. 9/28: Fall Community Yard Sale (Sell in your own yard, we’ll put out signs and advertise)

  4. Landscaping:

    1. The Board voted unanimously to accept a quote for overhauling the entrance from Stallings Rd. onto Pebble Creek Drive at our May meeting. Work should begin soon.

    2. We are working with the golf course management to see about removing the fallen tree on the corner of Sassafras and Roberts Rd.

  5. Treasurer: DUES were DUE in March. We only have about 30 dues outstanding. if you have not yet paid your dues of $150, head over to the Contacts page to get in touch with Earl and find out what you need to know!

We truly hope this finds your Summer off to a great start. Be safe and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions/concerns!