July Updates

Hi Neighbors -

If you’re interested, minutes from our last meetings are now posted in the Documents section of the website. Highlights include:

  • Excellent feedback on our block party in July. Huge should out and Thank You to Karley Vehaun for organizing and Jeremy Tufts for cooking all the hot dogs for us!

  • Only 10 dues outstanding for the year - certified letters go out this week to overdue homeowners (questions about dues? Email the treasurer, Earl Nielsen at pcp1treasurer@gmail.com)

  • Landscaping updates to entrance off Stallings/Pebble Creek Drive is now under way and we are pursuing quotes to remove the tree off Roberts/Sassafras)

  • Board approved signage for roads with no outlet are to be ordered and installed soon

  • Concerns regarding reckless driving of motorcycles on roadways

  • Next newsletter coming out soon!

  • Keep your calendars marked for the community yard sale September 28th.

  • If you are interested in VOLUNTEERING for anything below, please reach out to us via the website homepage or email us at pebblecrkhoa@gmail.com

    • Pebble Treat (full size candy bars handed out on Halloween) on 10/31

    • A spot on the Board next year (4 outgoing members need to be replaced)

We hope you are all having a safe Summer. Please reach out to us via the website home page or at pebblecrkhoa@gmail.com anytime, if you feel we can be of service to you.


Erycka Millen, PCHA-1 Secretary (and the rest of the Board)